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- cbd oil vs cbd capsules: similarities, differences, and health benefits
CBD Oil vs CBD Capsules: Similarities, Differences, and Health Benefits
03.17.2022 | Reading Time:Written by: Loren Baker

Between CBD oil, CBD gummies, CBD chocolates, CBD capsules, CBD topicals, and more, it’s amazing how many great products have graced the CBD market in recent years.
Whether you’re a 20-something elite athlete who wants to perform at your best or a 70-something grandmother who wants to be pain-free again, there’s probably something for you!
But with more products comes a growing need for more education. That’s why this article will be diving deep into the many similarities and differences between two of the most popular types of CBD out there: oil and capsules. If you’ve been debating which one to try next, keep reading — this article is probably for you.
- CBD oil 101
- CBD capsules 101
- CBD oil vs. capsules: the similarities
- CBD oil vs. capsules: the differences
- CBD oil vs. CBD capsules: what makes them premium
CBD oil 101
CBD oil is exactly what it sounds like — an oil-based product infused with CBD.
Most CBD oils have two main components: a small amount of hemp extract, and a larger, less active oil base.
- CBD oil active component | Hemp extract rich in CBD, THC, etc.
- CBD oil inactive component | Carrier oil (usually MCT oil, coconut oil, olive oil, etc.)
CBD oil almost always comes in a dropper bottle whose top doubles as dispensing tool. Taking your daily dose of CBD oil is as simple as squeezing the rubber top, suctioning up some oil, and releasing it into your mouth. (Or into your favorite beverage.) Most CBD oils are formulated so that one full dropper corresponds to one full serving. With CBD oil it’s easy to dial in your perfect dose, right down to the drop.
CBD capsules 101
CBD capsules are another highly popular type of CBD product. Like CBD oil, they’re designed to be ingested daily — unlike CBD oil, their effects are time-released.
The ingredients in most CBD capsules are pretty dang simple. Just take a look:
- CBD capsules active component | Hemp extract rich in CBD, THC, etc.
- CBD capsules inactive component | Carrier oil (usually MCT oil, coconut oil, olive oil, etc.)
Do these ingredients look familiar? That’s because they are — CBD capsules have the very same makeup that CBD oils do. The only difference is that the capsules’ ingredients come, well, encapsulated within a vegan cap.
CBD oil vs. capsules: the similarities
Feel free to think of it this way: CBD capsules and CBD oils deliver the very same ingredients into your body. They just do it differently, which means they have radically different effects. But more on that a little later. Let’s look at a few more similarities first!
Both CBD oil and CBD capsules can be used to:
- Improve sleep hygiene
- Improve cognitive function
- Improve athletic performance
- Break free from aches and pain
- Reduce overall stress and become more hopeful
- Enhance creativity and motivation (flow states, anyone?)
At the heart of these shared benefits is a surprisingly simple concept: stress deduction. Both CBD oil and CBD capsules work their magic via your body’s endocannabinoid system, a system that reduces stress by promoting overall balance. This system’s receptors are found throughout every vital organ, including the brain. [1]
When your body’s not stressed, it’s free to function optimally. Stress hormone production goes down, “youth-associated” hormone production goes up, and overall hormonal status becomes normalized. Even your gut bacteria respond positively to a lower-stress state. [2]
CBD’s ability to reduce stress is actually what explains its ability to positively impact so many people regardless of their age or health status. One person may sleep better thanks to this stress reduction, while another person might have an easier time focusing on what really matters to them.
CBD oil vs. capsules: the differences
There’s one really big difference between CBD oil and CBD capsules — and it goes back to how they get processed after you’ve taken them.
CBD oil is processed quickly. In fact, it starts getting processed and absorbed into your bloodstream the moment it touches the mucous membranes in your mouth! You can expect premium CBD oil to kick in within about 30 minutes. This makes CBD oil ideal for anyone who needs a quick boost of upliftment and inspiration. Other groups who might benefit from CBD oil include:
- Yogis
- Athletes
- Biohackers
- Chronic creative types
- Those who prefer microdosing their CBD
CBD capsules, on the other hand, are processed slowly. They meander their way through your digestive tract, then their CBD content gets metabolized by CP450 enzymes in your liver. [3] This makes capsules an ideal product for those who want their CBD to kick in slowly and last all day. Capsules are also ideal for:
- Entrepreneurs
- Busy professionals
- Ultraendurance athletes
- Those who prefer macrodosing their CBD
- Those who are apt to forget to take their CBD oil
If you’re buying your CBD oil or capsules from fiveTM, there’s yet another notable difference between these two products: our CBD oil is available in higher-strength versions. Users can choose between 1500mg (50mg/serving), 3000mg (100mg/serving), and 6000mg (200mg/serving) variants. Our CBD capsules, on the other hand, contain 50mg each — no more, no less.
Last but not least, here are a few more miscellaneous differences between CBD oil and CBD capsules:
- CBD oil is more versatile; you can add it to favorite foods or beverages
- CBD capsules might be better for gut health due to the way they’re absorbed [4]
- CBD oil might have slightly higher overall bioavailability
CBD oil vs. CBD capsules: what makes them premium
Regardless of whether you choose to take CBD oil, capsules, or both, it’s still not a good idea to settle for anything less than a premium product. Full spectrum CBD has been shown to be the most effective type of CBD out there time and time again, irrespective of delivery method. Some research shows that it’s four times more effective than isolate-based alternatives! [5]
And while lots of brands claim to make full spectrum products, not all of them actually make the cut. fiveTM is different. Why’s that? Because our CBD features virtually all of hemp’s best ingredients in a true-to-nature, five-to-one form. For every 5 units of CBD you take, you’re also getting 1 unit of other hemp goodies. Within this unit you’ll find THC, CBG, CBN, CBC, and other cannabinoids and terpenes.
Basically…we don’t try to outsmart nature. Except when it comes to taking nature’s best cannabinoids and placing them into highly powerful, super practical forms like oils and capsules.