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What's The Best Time to Take CBD Before Bed?
11.06.2023 | Reading Time:Written by: Loren Baker

Most people don't take CBD just to feel hip or because it's the trendy thing to do.
Nope, most people take CBD because they're hopeful that it could change something in their lives. Maybe it could help them feel better, become more mobile, or even enjoy better sleep.
And when it comes to sleeping better with CBD, there's something you need to know: timing is everything. Keep reading to learn more about the perfect time to take CBD before bed. We’ll also be covering some other holistic sleep tips and tricks. Enjoy!
How CBD could help you sleep better than ever
What makes CBD so good for sleep in the first place? It all has to do with the unique way CBD binds to receptors in your endocannabinoid system. With this binding action may come feelings of calmness and tranquility.
Many CBD users — and more recently, much clinical research — attest to this concept. A first-of-its-kind 2019 study found that CBD’s pro-sleep power comes from its ability to calm down the overactive brain. Interestingly enough, this benefit remained even after patients stopped using CBD. Researchers suspect that even the shortest periods of CBD use may rewire certain parts of your brain (such as the GABAergic system), setting the stage for better sleep in the long run. [1]
CBD pharmacology 101
As exciting as all of the above stuff may be, taking CBD for sleep requires a little bit of thoughtful planning.
Ideally you'll want to take your CBD at least one hour before bed — preferably two or three hours beforehand. If your goal bedtime is 10 pm, be sure to have taken your CBD by 9! Why? Because even the best CBD products have a small lag time between when you take them and when they begin to kick in. By taking CBD 2 or 3 hours before your goal bedtime, you’re allowing the compound to fully activate. [2]
The sole exception to this 2-3 hour rule is CBD vaporizers, as they kick in unusually quickly. Most of our customers favor fast-acting CBD oil over timed-release capsules or gummies when taking CBD for sleep.
Dosing matters when you're taking CBD for sleep, too. Consider making your evening dose a slightly higher dose than normal — let’s say by 10 or 20%. Slightly ‘overshooting’ your normal dose should allow you to tap into CBD’s more sedating qualities. The terpenes present in five™ CBD’s full spectrum CBD may promote relaxation at high enough doses, too. [3] If you normally take 20mg of CBD oil per day, then you may want to go up to 22 or 24mg.
Can I take CBD Gummies before bed?
You sure can! To experience the best possible results, though, you’ll want to opt for specialized sleep gummies, like our new Knockout Gummies.
These Gummies definitely aren’t the first CBD gummies on the market . . . but they might be the first to pair high-powered CBD with other sleep-centric ingredients. Knockout Gummies are:
- Sourced from the US’s best hemp farms
- Vegan + natural colors + natural flavors
- Powered by truly full spectrum extract (5:1 ratio of CBD:trace cannabinoids)
- Extensively lab tested for cannabinoids, terpenes, microbes, solvents, and more
And that’s just the start. Each Gummy contains the active ingredients listed below:
- 100 milligrams of L-theanine, a special amino acid that doubles (triples?) as an antioxidant and relaxation-booster
- 58 milligrams of truly full spectrum hemp extract, including 50 milligrams of CBD, 5 milligrams of THC, and 3 milligrams of other cannabinoids
- 3 milligrams of melatonin, one of the best-studied sleep aids on the planet
Even the inactive ingredients in our Knockout Gummies are mostly organic. Check them out for yourselves:
- Organic cane sugar
- Organic tapioca syrup
- Organic pear juice concentrate
- Organic coconut oil
- Pectin (plant-based)
Other sleep-centric tips and tricks
Have you heard of the term biohacking before? If not, you might want to look into it. Biohacking refers to positively hacking — i.e. manipulating — your biology toward your health and wellness goals. You may be able to biohack your way to better sleep by combining your CBD use with the three tactics mentioned below.
Don’t go to bed hungry
Many people don't know that sleep problems ranging from insomnia to bad dreams can be caused by a temporary energy deficiency during the nighttime hours. [4] Sleeping better might be as simple as eating a little extra carbs and/or protein each evening. You can try Greek yogurt with honey, a couple handfuls of berries, or even some dark chocolate (if you're not too sensitive to the caffeine).
Even a few hundred calories of these foods may go a long way towards keeping your glycogen stores replete til morning. Conventional wisdom says the same thing: it's hard to sleep well on an empty stomach.
Block out blue light
Technological advancements may have made modern life easier, but they’ve also fueled some serious sleep problems. How so? Because the phones and computers we use before bedtime are illuminated by blue-lit screens. This blue light essentially tricks your body's internal clock into thinking it’s daytime...even when it's not.
To translate this into practical terms, being on your phone until 11 pm is not the way to get to sleep by 11:30. Consider circumventing evening blue light exposure by investing in a pair of blue-blocking sunglasses. Your circadian rhythm will probably thank you. [5]
Begin a yoga routine
Gentle movement may also have a place in any good bedtime routine. One of our favorite types of movement is yoga, an ancient science that uses special motions to redirect your body's energy flow.
If you haven't yet tried yoga for yourself, it might be that missing link your sleep is looking for! Even a few minutes of yoga poses may synchronize your body and help you sleep better.
Summing things up
Sleep is one of the most crucial facets of a person’s health. If you're not sleeping as well as you'd like, CBD may help. As Dr. Ethan Russo says, it’s an “incredibly versatile” compound, with one of its many potential attributes being improved sleep. [6]
Just be sure to dial things in by taking your CBD 2-3 hours prior to bedtime. Opt for faster-acting products over slower ones. And don't forget to incorporate CBD into a more comprehensive bedtime routine that acknowledges — even celebrates — the complexity of your body.
- Cannabidiol in Anxiety and Sleep: A Large Case Series. (2019b). PubMed Central (PMC). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6326553/
- Cannabinoid pharmacology: the first 66 years. (2006). PubMed. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1760722/
- Cannabis Dosing: Dr. Dustin Sulak. (2016). Project CBD. https://www.projectcbd.org/es/dosis-de-cannabis/cannabis-dosing-dr-dustin-sulak
- Nightmare and Abnormal Dreams: Rare Side Effects of Metformin? (2018). PubMed. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29581904/
- Strategies to decrease social jetlag: Reducing evening blue light advances sleep and melatonin. (2020). PubMed. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30506899/
McVay, D. (2019, January 14). Dr. Ethan Russo: ‘CBD Is Amazingly Therapeutic.’ Freedom Leaf. https://www.freedomleaf.com/ethan-russo-cbd-thc/